E-Mail solutions


Ensuring a dependable and secure email solution is paramount for any business-it's the hub where vital information is exchanged, deals are sealed, and teams collaborate. Yet, with an array of email providers out there, selecting the perfect fit for your unique needs can be daunting.

We understand that a "one-size-fits-all" strategy isn't suitable for email. That's why we provide a range of email options directed to suit your precise requirements and budget.

1. Google Workspace (Gmail Based Business E-mail)

For any business that utilizes and thrives off cloud-based solutions, Google Workspace is a superior choice. This subscription based service leverages the familiar and user-friendly interface of Gmail, while offering a suite of integrated, and simple to use tools such as:

  • Personalized Email: Elevate your professional image with custom email addresses featuring your company domain (e.g., yourname@YourCompany.com), providing a polished and credible impression. Moreover, users can enjoy multiple alias emails for added convenience.
  • Advanced Security: Benefit from Google's extensive security measures, shielding your emails against spam, phishing attempts, and malware threats effectively.
  • Effortless Collaboration: Seamlessly integrate email with other Google Workspace tools like Docs, Sheets, and Drive, facilitating seamless teamwork and real-time document sharing.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Google Workspace adapts alongside your business needs, allowing for easy user additions or removals as your team expands or contracts.


  • Familiar and simple user interface;
  • Industry defining security features;
  • Integrated collaboration tools;
  • Scalable and cost effective.

2. Zoho Mail

For businesses looking for an all-encompassing email solution that's also cost-effective, Zoho Mail stands out as an excellent option. With Zoho, you get access to a wide range of features, including:

  • Customized Email Solutions: We design professional email addresses for your team members, like name@YourCompany.com, elevating your professional appearance.
  • Extensive Functionality: Zoho Mail boasts a suite of advanced features, including email scheduling, task management, and seamless integration with leading CRM and productivity tools.
  • Flexible Subscription Options: Choose from a variety of scalable plans to accommodate your team size and budget requirements, with options available across free and paid tiers.


  • A budget-friendly solution for your email needs.
  • A platform packed with features to streamline your operations.
  • Connects effortlessly with your favorite business apps.
  • Offers scalability to suit a range of needs.

3. Personal E-mail Server

For businesses seeking heightened control and security over their email infrastructure, we provide tailored email server setup and maintenance services. This solution ensures:

  • Total Authority: You maintain complete control over the configuration and security measures of your email server.
  • Tailored Solutions: Customize your email server to align with your unique needs and compliance standards.
  • Expert Assistance: Our team offers dedicated support and continuous maintenance to ensure optimal performance of your email server.


  • Maximum control and security;
  • Customizable interface and options;
  • Dedicated support team.


  • More costly initial setup and ongoing maintenance costs;
  • Requires technical expertise for in-house management (or reliance on support team);
  • Potential vulnerability if not properly maintained and secured.

Don't Forget About E-mail Backups!

For added security in your business communications, we provide extensive email backup solutions tailored for Gmail and Zoho setups. For further information on protecting your email data, please explore our dedicated Data Backup Services page.

Choosing the Optimal Solution

Our team of experts is here to guide you in choosing the perfect email solution for your business. We take into account various factors such as your budget, desired control level, team size, existing IT setup, and security needs to provide specific and personal recommendations.